Friday, February 11, 2011

Video - Educate

Tuvalu has been identified and taunted throughout the political and scientific debates on climate change issues, widely on international forums. The pressing matter remains, they are a small island state that needs assistance in resources for their children to be able to cope. Without this, social conditions – in particular schooling – will worsen, and the investments required for successful climate adaptation will merely delay the inevitable demise of this Pacific nation, which their citizens are justifiably proud to call home.

In March 2011, SIFE members will be visiting Tuvalu to deliver educational materials and teach hands-on workshops to help the people acquire job skills necessary upon their departure.

Thank you to Spencer Turley, our videographer.


  1. Once again Spencer Turley creates something simple and grand all at the same time. Well done. This project is great. Keep up the good work.

  2. I love it! And I totally agree - simple yet grand! Wonderful job!
